Friday, December 1, 2006

Greenbuild Highlights

Everything green was represented at this year's Greenbuild conference in Denver, including Green Magazine. We visited all 700-plus booths, chatted with attendees and vendors, and attended press conferences about all kinds of green achievements and subjects. We all came back newly inspired by the amazing achievements in the green industry.

Our conference highlights: the Clinton Foundation's Clinton Climate Initiative, the Green Communities Initiative, time spent chatting with the "green man," and a moment's repose on the park bench reading the "Green Building Crossroads" brick wall.

Some of our favorite musings from the wall:

"Long live building green!"

"Beyond Green, where sustainability becomes a social, cultural, economic and political way of life."

"It's easy being green."

We'd like to have your feedback about the event: the good, the bad and the ugly.

1 comment:

Carolyn Oakley said...

Wish I had been there. Sounds like a great conference!